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Falkdrevet Saturday (29/09/2012)
Категорія: Konkurrence
Карта/область: Guøvik
Організатор: Skogsfalken
Країна: Sweden
Довжина шляху: 5.88 km
Час: 55:47
I pass post 2, but don't see it, there is another post a bit further up, to which I return, many times. I even know where that control is, but it takes many unhappy returns. Seeing the loops on the GPS, I wish I could blame the compass...to 7 It would hve been better to follow the wall from the road on, I wanted to take the distinct path further west originally. To 9 I mess up, I think I already crossed the second cliff, but a cliff in Sweden is more substantial. I do not notice that I manouvre in rocks, rest ok. 56 mins on 3.7 k, with maybe 16 minutes of awful mistakes.
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Falkdrevet Saturday (29/09/2012) Falkdrevet Saturday (29/09/2012)