VTR 05.01.2012 Harrested Skov (2012-02-05)
Kategori: Konkurrence
Karta/område: Harrested Skov
Arrangör: Herlufsholm OK
Land: DK
Sträcka: 9.32 km
Tid: 72:20
Nice day with a bit of snow. Course with a few routechoices. Whole run suffered a bit by the strange scale (1/900), but often I ran past features. A lot of deep ditches, where nearly all controls were (18 was at a HUGE stone). Sometimes the compass was a bit slow (to 13 and 23). Some open features on the map were maybe only on the map....
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VTR 05.01.2012 Harrested Skov (2012-02-05) VTR 05.01.2012 Harrested Skov (2012-02-05)