WMOC LQ1 M45 (2015-07-29)
Categoría: Konkurrence
País: Sweden
Distance: 11.59 km
Time: 139:03
Sweden! Complex maps which are difficult to read. Some of my difficulties are due to a chipped contact lens, my inability to distinguish between form lines and contours. Post 1 I approach with care as it is a long leg. For two I believe I am further north than I am. Can't read me in on the map trying various times, but wet areas are all wet (as it rains a bit), and hills are difficult to read. To 8 I get too far and then the inability to read form lines lead me to believe I have to find the highest hill. Nope. Confused as on all three runs. Added with slow running...not good.
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WMOC LQ1 M45 (2015-07-29) WMOC LQ1 M45 (2015-07-29)